Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The long weekend....

...makes for a short work week! And, I have to say...it has been the best May 2-4 in a long time!

Oh, yes, I did work Saturday. But, it all started Friday with a trip to the Williamsford Market for the best sausages/meat ever! Mmm! And, spending time with a great friend and meeting her sister. The eve turned out to be quiet because SATURDAY morning I made my way to Hanover for a remote at Wellington North Co-op. What a great place! And Sat Eve...DRIVERS START YOUR ENGINES...as I headed to the opener of Sauble Speedway & Country 93 Night. [Photos to come]

Sunday, I surprised myself...wanted to swim at the Pool/Potluck @ The Hoppers....I did not swim...imagine. Loved taking in the sunshine and all the wonderful food and chatting with new and past friends. :) Was a blast!!!! And, biggest surprise was the tubs of Maritime Lobsters that came in...oh, oh,...and the Muscles. Mmm! Did I mention there was food? :) I ate Lobster - I have the scars to prove it! Later that night...more of a party with a few friends.

Monday, I got to hang at Berford Lake with some great people and a great cook! Mmmmm! The BBQ Steak was fabulous! Learned about Chipmunk anatomy and Expiry Dates!!!

And, I did help "the friend" with his planting...more sun!

Hope you had a fabulous weekend, too!


  1. Hey Donna
    Moms here, just read your blog. :D
    She'll be at my place until Friday if you need to give her a call.
    Looks like a fun party!

  2. See Ryan in the pool on the left? He is the tallest! :)
