Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ry and his road trip....

....was off to Stratford yesterday to see The Taming of the Shrew - a comedy by William Shakespeare. I love when schools do this! Such a true learning experience. :)

So, he said the play was different...a bit hard to understand...but, great trip. He got to walk in Stratford and do a bit of shopping. Um, so what did you get Ry? Game stuff. OMG! What a kid! :) His passion at the moment!

Oh Oh...and guess what he brought back for Moi?! wasn't quite this big...but, he did hit a Chocolate Factory and brought a PB cup back the size of my palm! Seriously! I love my Ry all the sky!...but, honey...I am trying to avoid such delicacies to look fabulous for my reunion in 2 months! Thankfully, Ry is who he is...he ate half the cup before I got home...and with any luck, the other half will be gone later today!

Kids, huh?! xo

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