The Pup seems to be out of his shyness-shell & he is starting to let me know he needs friends to hang with. Yup,...he has vocals and they can be pretty high-pitched!
The comments I hear: "Oh, your pup is so quiet" "Oh, my he is so calm"...." Boy, he is well behaved", hello...have you not seen him at home!!!
The co-worker who has his very own "Pup" got a taste of The Pup coming out of his shell. Asked The Pup to speak,...and boy...did he, right in the co-workers close, we could smell what The Pup had for breakfast. Then,...the co-worker called him over to pet him and all he could see were white, glistening, sharp teeth on a huge-honkin' mouth that I have dubbed Shark-face! Oh, The Pup is not is his greeting...just not the type of greeting we humans are used to, is all...
So, back to needing a playmate. The Pup is...well...a pup. He loves other dogs (even cats) and just wants to run, and tumble and sniff (the usual kid - pup - thing.) I noticed this has been neglected, especially since he sits in front of the "black" refrigerator and stares...then barks...he just can't conceive why the pup staring back is such a snob. The really sad part was when I went to Westside Nurseries and he spotted the concrete animals. (I swear, I had no idea!) There were dogs and cats and ducks...a pups heaven of friendship just waiting for The Pup.
The Pup was desperate to get over to the concrete figures...I had no idea why...until I spotted the Boxer. Oh my....He tugged on the leash until he made it over to the edge, and barked - WOOF - and wagged his tail. I thought, "You're not serious?!" But, yes...The Pup wanted to be friends with the Boxer. He even licked the nose. 

I'm serious....he was so excited to see "this" Boxer. Oh man.... my co-worker with the other pup...lets make a date on the calendar...I'm begging! Just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteThis is an open invitation for your "pup" to play with my Golden male, who although 2, still acts and plays like a puppy.Let's set up a play date. Come see us at Gould Lake and we can witness that Portugese diving dog in action.
Catherine Lawrence