I have to say....again....I love my job for what I get out of it. Oh, the pay has yet to be desired...but there are benefits! I get to hear great music, meet fantastically talented people, watch amazing concerts [best place is almost from backstage, for me] and get to venture out into the community. Mind you...it isn't always peaches & cream....but a little Granny Smith Apple is good to throw in for variety...right?!
So, why am I bringing this up?! For a shy, quiet girl...I have certainly become an open book. And, the need to share [for whatever reason] I am not sure why?! I guess that I was quiet for so darn long - just felt like opening up.
So, my last adventure was completely a surprise for me. I was able to go to Canadian Music Week for my very first time. Little City Girl heads to TO. I am excited,...then panic...OMG. I have to call Kimmer. She can be my guide for when I get lost. Or my chauffeur...since most of you think I am a Diva. Ok, maybe a little...
Kimmer was the best! Not only is she a bestfriend...but, she can take over when my insecurities kick-in, and she can plan things out like a lean-mean-machine. So, our adventures started on a Friday at 4pm...heading to the big city for a new Country experience. We were fortunate to be invited into a friends home for the weekend...which was close to the venue. The hospitality was fabulous! The venue was fun! And, for not being from the area...I sure knew a lot of people at the venue. Amazing! [You have to understand,...I come from a life where I had no life. No people around me.]
One of the highlights of my trek was actually seeing 2 CCMAs. Yup, our Host won 2 of them [that I know of] and being silly as I am....had to take a shot of them. Is it absolutely CRAZY that I was excited about this???? I suppose that a part of me always wanted to be a musician/singer and having an Award sitting on my bookshelf would be kind of cool, you know...
And, to actually get to know the person who won them, and realize that - Yeah, they definitely deserved them! - Coolio. 

BTW....I was surprised to learn that our Host adds "io" to some words, as well. Another exciting part of my trip. Whats the Dealio with that?! ;)
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