Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A promised Blog for Justin Skalaa....Ode to?

Monday, April 26, 2010
Thanks "C-W" for.....
Facing my fears has always been difficult for me, as I assume for most of us. Weird how a relationship break-up can throw you in a tailspin... one moment you feel like you've been dropped off in the middle of the ocean after a huge meal, with no left jacket...slowly drowning in waves of sorrow. Then, you feel the anger of a Bull that is facing that annoying Matador with his fancy cap, frilly shirt AND tablecloth (ok,...maybe you feel bitter, too.) THEN, you're the prisoner locked in that jail cell,...no windows, no socialization - just you and lonely solitude. The waves of sorrow, once again, come crashing down. Finally, through the love & kind words of family and friends & even facebookers you have never met...the lifeboat dinghy arrives to, at least keep you afloat.
Now, at this moment in the aftermath, I'm still bobbing the waves in that dinghy. Well, between "that" and "lets do something crazy cause I going to prove to my ex that I am actually somebody." THIS is where facing my fears come in. :o
I have a co-worker AKA C-W....whom to me is also a GREAT friend. He just so happens to be my Comedy Show, IPod, Confidence Booster aka Psychiatrist, Secret Diary, Motivator, Mother (cause he can be down-right honest), Dance Instructor (well, maybe only once), Leaning Post & at times, Partner-in-Crime.
My young C-W can also sing. And, he's probably famous for his Karaoke Parties. Ah, Karaoke. Care-E-Okie. I love Karaoke. I love watching/listening to "other" people do karaoke. Key words here: Other People! Ohhh, don't get me wrong. I would love to be able to sing (always been a dream of mine.) Sooooo, for some reason beyond any intelligent knowledge, the "C-W" felt the need to add Singing Instructor to his list of duties as my friend.
You do know where this is going,...right?!
After a few bevies, a game which involved shots, lots of "DH, what are you singing," "DH, you're next" and basically a threat of: you're not leaving until you sing.......ADDED with my "WTH, I have no more to lose after this break-up" attitude.....I, yes "I" sang karaoke.Mind you, it was down to my "C-W" and one other person, both whom I trust. But, I faced my fears and sang karaoke.
The one thing I swore I would never do - under the influence or not - I did! [she chuckles]
Another check on my list of things I've done in life. I'm still baffled. Karaoke. Watch out U2, Jewel, Sheryl Crow...we just may be hitting the road!
Tour schedule coming soon. ;)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
In my state of excitement....
In my downer state of mind....
He decides to try the new Ooey-gooey Caramel Chocolate...whatever it was. And, he turns to me, "What are you getting?" OH COME ON....does he have to ask?! For X amount of years I have been ordering the same darn Blizzard. Oh, I have tried to stray....but, I have learned over those little affairs...The Strawberry Cheesquake is my lover! My #1! My I'll-always-come-back-to-you ice cream treat! Mmm!
So, we get to the counter and spy the HUGE poster: Blizzards, buy one regular price, 2nd is 25 cents. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? Ryan and I, who are simply wanting a small...look at each other and order a medium. And, tonight, it may have to be a large! :) I'm a sucker for sales!
Thank you, Dairy Queen! And, thank you Strawberry Cheesquake for being so understanding. See you tonight! ;)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Received an email....
We all have questions about life, society, people, and the list goes on... The important thing to remember is that everything always happens for a reason... at least, that is my belief.
There may be a lesson to be learned, or this may happen in order for something else to come in effect, the curiosities are endless...I agree, Kristen.
We all have 2 choices in life; two paths we can take...We can either take everything in the worst way possible, or we can learn from everything we encounter in life, take it as it is and embrace life to the fullest... I’m trying! Honest I am. I want the "learning" way of thinking! The Embrace Life path. Not one of anger and rejection and sorrow. I refuse to be a victim! I believe we are on this earth to love life, feel amazing and most of all love and be true to ourselves... If we don't respect ourselves then it becomes hard to respect others...
There will always be people in our lives who try to bring us down and make us feel unworthy of ourselves but the only thing that matters is that we believe in ourselves, because if we believe, anything in this crazy world is possible... And trust me, that’s the complete truth... No matter what is going on in your life, trust in your heart to tell you what is right and what is wrong.. Your intuition or gut feeling will always give you the correct answer (for you)...
It's okay to make mistakes and fall off the wrong path, but you just need to learn from each situation and get on the right one again! Thank you Guardian Angel for your words of wisdom. They came to me at the right moment!
Friday, April 16, 2010
I am sooooo tired today....
So, it all started with a co-worker wanting me to touch his arms for her. Oh, yeah...right...like I'm going to turn down a request from my GF co-worker. NOT! Actually, I tried to drag him home - see photo above - so she could touch his arm herself. But,....you know...the concert was coming up...blah, blah, blah!
So, as we were posing in front of the stage...I thought, "Lets Get Rowdy"...and "Lucky For Me"...I got "My Way!"
So, for all you chumps out there...listen to Aaron:
I've been watching you watchin every girl in the bar, Payin no attention to the one on your arm, You're a dog...Man, she's smokin! I've seen your kind before, and you think you're so cool. This country boy's gonna take you to school! Hold out your hand....no man, I ain't jokin...And hold my beer....While I kiss you're girlfriend, cause she needs a real man, and not a boy like you! Hold my beer, yeah I'm a man on a mission...you don't see what you're missin, but I do, so here....hold my beer!!!
K,....SLAP! Had to wake myself up! :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My swimming experience...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yesterday,...all my troubles seemed so far away...
Must take advantage of sunshine, and my new bicycle! That's where it all started!
Yesterday was a day off for me. Beautiful! Plopped myself on the guys back deck and took in some Vit D (not the pill kind), finished my book and simply enjoyed my day alone.
Had a great meal...love cooking in the guys kitchen.
Then, we changed into the exercise gear and jumped on the bikes, headed for Harrison Park trails.
First hill...huff, puff, oh darn...I'm lagging behind. Legs are feeling weak. I really am out of shape. My cardio health = to be desired.
I loved the bike ride, though...was awesome...except when I hit this tiny bump on the trail (and there were many)...but that one bump in particular jolted the ribcage...where I have a rib out of joint...and WOWZER. Pain! But,...trooper I am I did not turn around. OK, not so much that I am a trooper,...I am stubborn!
So, eventually had to head back home (up another blasted hill) and end this session.
All my joints hurt. They still do! The knees, the wrist, elbows, spine. I don't remember cycling feeling this way!
The guy says: You have to build up your endurance and without regular exercise/exertion you won’t get there.
To the guy, I say....well, lets forget what I say! lol Kidding. I said, (as I push Meds into my system),...lets go biking tonight...Trooper I am! ;)
Anyone have a body cast I can borrow? With shocks, preferably around the ribcage area?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
24? What about 42...
Pondering about relationships...they just don't seem to work out the way I envision. I see couples hand in hand, and enjoying time together. Yeah, yeah....I am not into the Cinderella romance thingy - but, I do believe in romance! So, that leaves me with the question: Am I cursed?
I remember a BF in Grade 10,...after I broke up with him (4 mths dating)...he told me I would feel as he did at that moment...someday. Thanks for the curse, bud! I seem to be living your dream! Mind you, the guys aren't leaving me. The "guy" who truly loves me just hasn't found me, yet. Right?! Is that how the story goes?!
Remember playing the card game "Old Maid?" As a young girl, I proclaimed I would NEVER be an Old Maid. I would never live on my own. And, I wouldn't own a million cats. Well, I have the cat thing under control. I don't have any.
Dear Life-of-Donna,
Please tell me the definition of old maid 'cause I'm getting a tad worried here. :O
I'm gonna be 43 this year AND I have never been proposed to. Oh, technically that is wrong. A guy proposed to me once in High School...I turned him down for obvious reasons. His name was Joe. Joe died in a house fire with his GF shortly after High School. A sign or a curse?
RIP Joe! And, thanks for asking! Miss you!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
She taught me to be positive and to believe in affirmations. Without them, you can't manifest what you want in life. (Of course, you have to be realistic.) And, if you are negative...you could just create a negative life. Blah, blah, blah..I know.
Mine started when I kept thinking how great it would be to take a Cruise and visit a tropical area. The places I wanted to visit throughout my life: Puerto Rico, St. Thomas USVI, and the Bahamas. Well......yes. It happened. I was asked to join the CFOS Cruise which traveled to each of these beautiful places.
I have always wanted a Jeep....worked for Edwards Sprinkler and got to drive a Jeep. Wanted a red car. I now have a red car. Wished to see Nashville....was there in January. Hoping for a bicycle...just recieved one for Easter. I wanted to work with Indie Artist...well, I do. Emerging Artist Coordinator. And, I love my job. Wanted to go to concerts & CD Release Parties & meet Casey Clarke from CMT. Well, HELLO......I am fortunate to attend concerts for Country 93, attend CD Release Parties....one of which (Jason Blaine) where I met Casey. :) Can you see me smiling... :0) SEE???? Manifest, be positive, love life, and have gratitude!

Friday, April 9, 2010
:I Mother Nature....

How could you bring us slap-on-the-sunscreen-throw-on-the-bikini-have-a-BBQ-flowers-are blooming Easter weekend of Temps of 28C/82F. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME????
I knew there was the possiblity of wet flurries. I read it in the forecast...all day yesterday...but, I wasn't believing what I was saying. Come on!!! Spring is here, the beautiful weather already hit us...and today...SLAP. Slap-in-the-face, Mother Nature. So what, if I live in Canada! This is just NOT fair!
Am I being a wimp? Maybe so. I always told my Mom that I should have been born in a nice warm climate zone. So, what happened Mom? Oh yeah....forgot...my Mom deserted me. Guess where she is right now? Florida!!!! She even phoned to let me know how beautiful & WARM it is. Humph!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Do the Generic...NOT!
The brush makes noise like a 747 or a cheap "steely dan" low on batteries. And, reality is...does not seem to be brushing my teeth that well. :( UGH! Generic Toothbrushes; yay or nay?! NAY!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
British....punk....my hair....

Besides, I auditioned for a TV Pilot and have another audition coming up soon. I need my natural color and it has to be straight. I can't have the "cute-sy" look. So, every-one-in-a-while I get this look. I was worried that my hair would be too short, but I kind of like the effect.

Funny thing is: the younger population have come up to me and mention that they really like the look. The older crew (like me) don't like it. As we get older, are we resistant to change moreso than what we thought? Not sure about you, but I like having change and the option to do so! Should I thank a Vet? I feel like I should...with a brit accent!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
When you can't remember a name...
Oh crap....I totally know him,...um,...Peter, Jay, Brian, Michael....WTH is his name????? He is the guy who recorded my boobs. OK, I know what you are thinking and you are totally wrong!
So, in my best "Stephanie Plum" moment, I glance back and he sees me:
"Hi, Donna!" says Hot Guy in Newsroom.
[WTH??? How does he remember my name?]
"Oh, Hi!" says Donna-looks-like-a-deer-in-headlights.
[Back to the studio I go!]
Well, I find out his name is Chris...he later adds me on facebook. And, Chris recorded my boobs at the VON Chocolate Lover's Brunch. Huh? I was wearing the tee shirt and was kind of flat that day...so I was used for the recording of the event. Close up on "VON CLB" tee which my boobs just happened to be behind,...pan to crowd enjoying chocolates, etc...back to the boobs...I mean, tee. :) Not in my wildest dreams did I think I would run into him again.
The name is Chris! When I say boobs...I'll remember!
Oh boy! Ever have one of those days?

Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Weekend, Part 2...
New red bicycle = Fantastic - CHECK
Time with family = Priceless - CHECK
Did you know I secretly wanted a family of 6 (including parents)???? Even if I adopted...that was a family to me. Ha ha ha! Easter weekend was a joy...the youngest was over, then "the guys'" sons showed up...within minutes, my oldest arrived. What a joy! No,...seriously! I didn't know where to place myself. Everyone just fit in and did as they wanted. See, the guy & I are normally alone. And, to go from 2 to 6. :) Felt family-like. I was in my glory!
As the afternoon moved closer to evening: 6 dropped to 4. Time for our Easter Eve meal...no turkey, no ham, sorta. With the beautiful weather, we threw porkchops on the BBQ, cooked perogies & steamed green beans. Mmm! Our meal was non-traditional, our meal was delicious! Our time together: priceless! My Easter Eve Day was fantabulous!
Easter,...what a great Easter...
The guy & I went to the Farmer's Market. Always fun running into people you know, and the great produce, etc. Ah, Easter weekend was definitely a taste of summer!
So, had to run into the bike shop with the guy. He "had" a Road Bike. The owner of the shop asked me about bikes I liked, and sizing me. Whoa! I'm thinking, I can't afford this. How presumptuous of him is what I am thinking. Well...in the words of Nicki Payne: SURPRISE! The guy traded his Road Bike for mine. [Insert over-flowing love here] He, also bought a bike similar to mine so that we could ride the trails together. My Easter present...in red, my fav color.
I have NOT been on a bike since the 80's. Oh boy! But, as soon as my rear hit the seat, my feet hit the pedals, and wind blowing through my hair...all my teenage memories cycled back into my mind. Ah, so coolio! I'm back precious Mode of Transportation of my youth,...I'm back!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
OMG! The 3-Day Work Week
Well, losing a co-worker to a sister station (down a man)...DH (the other dh) and I work opposite 6/4 shifts, this week being my Monday/Saturday off...and Good Friday. I thought, ...Oh S___! If my kids were bored by the end of March Break, imagine how I'll feel by Easter Monday????(Which, btw, I'll be working.)
For those of you who don't know me, I'll eplain: I love my boys tremendously, but they are older and like their time away from "Mom" and doing their own thing. That is why I throw myself into work (which, btw, I love.) I RARELY take a sick day, possibly 3 in 8 years. In my line of work, we throw in a lot of volunteer/after hours. When I actually have time off...I do get that moment of panic. Mostly, it's a twinge.
I enjoy people - love being around people. I love holidays - but - my family is in New Brunswick. And, like I said...for the most part, my kids are like me and embrace life & their friends. So, when a "Stat" holiday sneaks up on you [How the H - E - double hockey sticks (I am Canadian) did we get to Easter so fast] ...this 3-day work week has definitely thrown me for a loop. I am not ready. DID YOU HEAR ME, EASTER BUNNY??? I AM NOT READY!
OK! I'm over it! Bring it on! Eat fish for Good Friday (no meat - just fish) and HAPPY EASTER ~Be back Easter Monday!!! Enjoy the beautiful days ahead! :)