My friend has a son named Justin. Ran into him at The Bean Cellar. He was there with Matthew Smith & Kaella Earle.
His family calls me "The Celeb." Now, that is FUNNY...considering I am anything but. Just another name I get to add to the list.
Justin just celebrated his B-Day. So, I thought I would pop know; The Celeb goes to the Celeb[ration.] Mmm, BBQ & outside fire pit - need I say more?!
What I thought would be a horrible Sat Eve turned into a night of fun & laughter [see previous Blog] and thanks to the invitation to join the party. Although I don't see her much, Justins Mom is a good friend of mine. Partway through the evening some bad news arrived - but once we knew all was ok - we managed to sneak in some laughs! At one point, I believe we were having more fun than Justin & his crew. (Sorry Justin.)
So, anyway...being the Party B-day Boy, I had to get that snap-shot pose with him! Happy Birthday, Justin! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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