She taught me to be positive and to believe in affirmations. Without them, you can't manifest what you want in life. (Of course, you have to be realistic.) And, if you are could just create a negative life. Blah, blah, blah..I know.
Mine started when I kept thinking how great it would be to take a Cruise and visit a tropical area. The places I wanted to visit throughout my life: Puerto Rico, St. Thomas USVI, and the Bahamas. Well......yes. It happened. I was asked to join the CFOS Cruise which traveled to each of these beautiful places.
I have always wanted a Jeep....worked for Edwards Sprinkler and got to drive a Jeep. Wanted a red car. I now have a red car. Wished to see Nashville....was there in January. Hoping for a bicycle...just recieved one for Easter. I wanted to work with Indie Artist...well, I do. Emerging Artist Coordinator. And, I love my job. Wanted to go to concerts & CD Release Parties & meet Casey Clarke from CMT. Well, HELLO......I am fortunate to attend concerts for Country 93, attend CD Release of which (Jason Blaine) where I met Casey. :) Can you see me smiling... :0) SEE???? Manifest, be positive, love life, and have gratitude!

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