Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today I lost a ex Co-Worker....a friend.

He helped place the stepping stones to get me where I am today.
He taught me how to laugh at myself and how to get a crowd going.
Humiliation could be your just keep going on, with a smile....
He was 45, a singer/songwriter/producer/dive instructor/photographer and Announcer.
He had throat cancer....the worst fear of a Radio Announcer or performer.
He was scared & he struggled with it...but, he fought. And, he fought hard!
I was introduced to many Country Artists because of him, and am living my life as an Emerging Artist Coordinator because of him.
I could not have come this far without him.
He was opinionated, and cranky and a pain in the ASS....(You know you were)...but, I always knew he cared....a LOT!
He cared for the musicians & songwriters & the industry.
He was passionate in all he did!
He was my friend through it all, and I miss him already!

RIP Steve Barlow! Rest in Peace!

They say you only truly die when forgotten...I won't let that happen!

Enjoy life....there are no re-runs!!! ~ Donna Henry


  1. so sorry about your loss. There are so very few people that we can truly look up to and losing someone of that caliber is a true lost to you and the industry.

    My condolences to you and all who loved, worked with and interacted with Steve.

  2. Very nice tribute Donna.

  3. Nicely said, Donna. Heartfelt and honest. Steve was an excellent radio host and MC, and a very good man. He leaves a wide wake behind him. Keep those memory fires burning.

  4. Nicely said, Donna. Heartfelt and honest. Steve was an excellent radio host and MC, and a very good man. He leaves a wide wake behind him. Keep those memory fires burning.

  5. It's a sign of what a good heart he had that so many people will always keep him in theirs, and be grateful for his friendship - and I am one of them too.
