Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Post Nasal Surgery

Last year, I went through sinus surgery. A surgery I desperately needed. A surgery I avoided for years.

I did keep track of the progress and let me tell you...the first few nights were not pleasant, especially when I ended up with tonsillitis on top of everything.

Today...almost a year later, I am still learning to breathe through my nose again, rather than my mouth. Sounds so charming, doesn't it?!

Happy fixed sinuses & polyp removal May 1st! Will celebrate by going outside and taking a deep breath!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I love to travel. Always have. So, when "the guy" said....lets vacation shop/look/escape this February 2014....I thought, HELL YEAH!!!!!

I love the Caribbean. I had my first taste (late in life) when I went on a CFOS Cruise. We traveled to Half Moon Cay & Nassau, Bahamas....San Juan, Puerto Rico, and St Thomas, USVI. It was fabulous. THEN....a family member decided to get married in the Mayan Riviera, Mexico. Then, D & D decide to marry in the Bahamas.

Now, task to find a destination was taxing. I know, I're kidding, right?! No, actually. We had no idea where we wanted to vacation, had a budget in mind, and Nassau & Mexico were out of the question. 

We both want quiet, beautiful beach, good food and sort of off the beaten path. Not a huge resort. OK, then. Remember,...we had a certain budget in mind.

I actually printed a map of the Caribbean. I became so desperate that I started to look at tiny Islands, only to find out that they may disappear with the tides. Arrrrgggg! Where to go??? The guy finally said we could look at Cozumel. Phew! Although, that didn't quite work out...I did find Isla Mujeres ( Island of Women) with a really cool history! Right up my alley! Since then,...I come to find out that I know people from here that have been there...and, a couple of locals that winter there each year (lucky ducks!)

So. Isla Mujeres, here I come. I am so excited and can't wait for the sun and ocean to embrace me. I look forward to learning the history in depth and I even have a mission (that'll be another BLOG...about um, fertility.) All I need to do now is learn a bit of Spanish. :)

7 glorious days on Isla island that is only some 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) long and 650 metres (2,130 ft) wide.  Turquoise waters that wait for me...ahhhh...

PS...have I told you that I love "the guy" a whole lot???? I do! :) <3 nbsp="" span="">

Friday, November 22, 2013

Calendar Girls needs your support! :)

It has been about 31 years since I hit the live theatre stage. I finally auditioned and actually got a role in Calendar Girls. (Seriously?!) 

So...if you are in the area...please consider coming to a show. Please. If not, please consider purchasing a Calendar (with a difference) with proceeds to the Residential Hospice of Grey Bruce. With so much cancer in my family...being a part of Calendar Girls means a lot to me. Hospice means a lot, too...

You can either have me pick up a calendar for you or you can phone the Roxy for details on how to have it mailed:

Last I heard, last week...we are 50% Sold Out. Thank You for supporting Owen Sound Little Theatre, the Hospice, Calendar Girls...and my dreams! xoxo

Interesting to read the meaning of the sunflower:

I know it has been over a year since I have been here. :/ No excuse. I will start blogging about my experience with Calendar Girls in more detail. Thanks for sticking around. I love you for it! :)

Enjoy life....there are no re-runs!!!  
Donna Henry

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So...started the day off just peachy-keen!

Woke up sounding like Barry White, which would be great if I were a male. But, last time I  checked...Um, you get the idea. I am nick-named Barryetta White.

Had to share half my banana with my Portie Finn....he was relentless!

My hair looks like I am the spawn of Medusa!
And, to top it all off: This morning...went to push my pant pockets down (through the inside) and my ring caught on the lace of my panties. Caught with my hands in my pants! lol And, front of my Male Co-Worker.

Lord, help me!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today is September 12th.....AKA 9/11

It was 11 years ago today that I was in my "old" life back east, living on Packard St in Bathurst, NB.
My friend, Carol, and I were sitting in her living room having a coffee & all of a sudden, the TV Screen caught our eye. Did that really just happen? Then, BAM...plane #2 hits the other of the twin towers.
I think we were both in shock. WTF?!
For the days & years to follow....all the loss, and tragedy, and wars, and scars....
10 1/2 years later, I find myself in New York City - Manhatten - and, on a Bus Tour. We stopped by the site. Weird how I felt such a compulsion to be "there!" It was almost like I wanted to feel peace. Take pain away for others. I'm not even sure what I was feeling or why....
An Airplane went by when we were near the site. It was odd how clear the sound came through. Our group stopped and looked up to the skies. It was eerily quiet. And, it was a "hair stands up on the back of your neck" kind of feeling.
Something so innocent turned into a horrid monstrocity!

From the TV screen 10.5 years under my footsteps this past May...I'm glad I was able to be at the site. Why?
Because it reminds me to be "Street Smart" in this world of crazies...but, mostly, it reminds me of the kindness of people. The willingness to risk their lives. The survivors. The togetherness. Hope.
Plain & simple...hope. When we stand together to protect each other...there is hope!
To all those who lost someone dear that are in my heart! Always!

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012

Cancer affects all of us in one way or another, whether it be news about someone we know, a friend, relative or yourself. It also controls you with the "fear of..." *Could it be cancer? *Will it develop into cancer? *When do I get results? *How long have I got? *Can I beat it? Here are some of my "history" points so as not to bore you. All you history-buffs, we can chat later! #1 I am a sensitive/emotional person. That's just who I am! #2 I sometimes feel what others don't. Keen intuition?! #3 Every relative seems to die of some form of cancer. #4 Memere - my Moms Mom, had breast cancer. It killed her by spreading. #5 A tumor was found on my sons ankle while he was at a Boy Scouts camp. The fear that gripped me when I saw the c-ray....horrendous! #6 A shadow on my chest X-Ray prompted investigation of a possible breast lump (not referring to size of my boobs). Two week wait. Scary! The fear of the possibility left me with anxiety! My boys were 12 & 8. #7 Developed a Fibroid Tumor. Pre-menopause. I felt it, it hurt. Impossible was what the Doctors said. I felt the pain! Three years later...growing from the size of a dime to the size of my fist, and after a major hemorrhage was removed. WOMEN: Research Fibroid Tumors! They CAN turn CANCEROUS! Someone I know lost her Mom to a fibroid tumor. Do NOT take hormone therapy if you have one. #8 pain in left breast. Changes...discoloration...tenderness. Start examining. Find a lump. Left side. I left it go...chalking it up to scar tissue (old war wound - kidding - breast reduction.) So, see the Doc & lump is confirmed. Mammography and blood tests next. Sigh! Am I worried? Yes, deep down inside. Almost like waiting on results from a High School Exam. Do I think it's cancer? No. But, I refuse to take a chance, considering my family history. Am I thinking of my Grandma? Of course! I am also thinking of my buddy Eileen, who just lost a Breast to cancer. She is stronger each day & cancer FREE! YAY!!! But, I now know how it feels to be a woman and pondering the idea of losing a breast. It belongs to me Cancer! Ugh! Another fear brought on by cancer. Not impressed! So, June 12...tomorrow...Boob squishing day. Anxiety over possible pain. We each feel differently! Whatever the results...I am OK! Honestly! If it's positive, I'll cry. I may even do so if it's negative. I will also deal. I'll still be OK. Another chapter in the DH Files & in my life!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today I lost a ex Co-Worker....a friend.

He helped place the stepping stones to get me where I am today.
He taught me how to laugh at myself and how to get a crowd going.
Humiliation could be your just keep going on, with a smile....
He was 45, a singer/songwriter/producer/dive instructor/photographer and Announcer.
He had throat cancer....the worst fear of a Radio Announcer or performer.
He was scared & he struggled with it...but, he fought. And, he fought hard!
I was introduced to many Country Artists because of him, and am living my life as an Emerging Artist Coordinator because of him.
I could not have come this far without him.
He was opinionated, and cranky and a pain in the ASS....(You know you were)...but, I always knew he cared....a LOT!
He cared for the musicians & songwriters & the industry.
He was passionate in all he did!
He was my friend through it all, and I miss him already!

RIP Steve Barlow! Rest in Peace!

They say you only truly die when forgotten...I won't let that happen!

Enjoy life....there are no re-runs!!! ~ Donna Henry