Monday, July 5, 2010

She shakes her head, yet again...

...cause there is truly nothing else I can do! Murphy's Law...I must have been born a Murphy!

Yet another war-wound appears on my slow tanning body...yes...another injury from the weekend. No, no...I wasn't doing anything physical like climbing Mt. St. Helen's, or kayaking down the mighty river, or running from wild hippos...I was washing the dishes.

Um, heard [I mean saw] right...I was washing dishes!!! Go figure! One mug going in the dryer-rack..hits almost dry glass #1...and EXPLOSION! Two large pieces fly out...and, I guess glass #1 was upset that I brought glass #2 down upon him 'cause he spit at me...

A large piece of glass lightly sliced [ok...skimmed] my arm. How can such a small wound bleed so much???? Sheesh! On to my next adventures...


  1. You really should be more careful.

    Glasses have feelings too you know, and will lash out at those that mis-handle them.

    I'd say you were lucky to escape with such a tiny bandage. LOL

  2. one word: dishwasher!

