Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you believe???

I am just curious if you believe in affirmations???

I started on Country 93 but really made a huge "debut" on 560 CFOS and became Producer of The Messenger Files with Carole Matthews. Check her out cause I certainly learned a lot from her! I learned that where I was in life....I put myself there. Going on the beliefs of other people. Not believing in my self-worth, etc. Well, I know differently now and I know affirmations do work.

Example: I always wanted to Cruise...always loved the Caribbean, especially St. Thomas, USVI...Nassau, Bahamas, and Puerto Rico. Not too long after I put it out there....BAM...I got the email that I was going on the CFOS those destinations.

Most of my life, I wanted a Jeep....BAM...start working for Troy/Edwards...and vehicle of choice Jeep.

Love dogs and for a couple of years eyed a Portuguese Water Dog - and, although Finn is not really mine...he is my baby...I am "raising" him. I have the pleasure to be a part of his life.

Always loved music & working with indie artists: I am an Emerging Artist Coordinator and work Middays on Country 93...ok, part of that may be my Mom's affirmation. She said it often enough.

Love to act: found my college buddies who own and run The Cousin Company, an Indie Film Company

And, when I was losing hope and feeling caged in and basically choking...I ran into someone who just made me realize I could have and deserve more. To let go of past insecurities instilled by others (and myself....will not play the victim). And, within such a short amount of time - this person means so much to me. I know, I am weird. I can't help it...I just feel what I feel. Nor do I want to stop it. It is who I am!

There are many other affirmations that have happened....and eventually I believe that perfect (perfect for me) partner will arrive. Yes, I do believe! Good things do come to good people! :)

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