Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another April Sunday...

Ahhh, spring is here...and, it finally feels like it. I love to hear the birds chirping in the morning [Morning doves & pigeons, on the other hand...can go to H3ll] Today is one of those Mixed-bag-of-tricks kind of days....ok morning turns into major rain and thunder, now blah with the signs of blue skies. Maybe the sun will come out just in time for Dinner/Supper [ironic & piss3r when it does that!] My sons are back home from, I'd say, one of the hardest moments of their lives. Their Grandpa passed away from pancreatic & lung cancer [thankfully no more has been a long, yet not long enough, over 3 years.] I know that they need to live their lives...the youngest one soon enough...but, I love having them back. Things feel mostly normal. So, I sit in my sons room, on his laptop, looking out the window - when I am not typing - at the green grass and signs of a promising summer. I have my novel next to me - which I am reading when not typing - James Patterson: Swimsuit. In my odd reminds me of summer. I even placed sunscreen - be still my beating heart says MJ - on my face. I was optimistic on having sunshine today. See, yesterday was beautiful and after work I sat on a deck...actually got red arms. :) Ahhhh, the colors of summer & sunshine! So,...I understand the April showers...they bring May time for June jammin' & July tanning....ok, that makes no sense at all. I think I have Spring Fever. What is Spring Fever?! :P Is it May yet?

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