Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And, so it goes...

No more chocolate for me - which technically is not true....I can have a chocolate shake....but, with all that aside....
It had to be a sign yesterday! I had a horrible day...just wanted to throw in the towel on a job I absolutely LOVE - all because of...well, I refuse to go there.
So, lets skip to better things: My challenge kit arrived & I was so freakin excited! Again, I am very skeptical...but, I also like to try things out! I have accepted the 90 Day Challenge with Body By Vi. The measurements and photos will come (even the embarrassing ones, as I am making myself accountable to all of you.)

As I mentioned, I am skeptical...did a bit of research. Not completely satisfied, but what the heck...it's 90 days. Big Whoop! I need to kick-start my metabolism & become healthier.

So, this pkg arriving yesterday is what I needed!I know it is going to be difficult for me: recording everything & being accountable to you (my choice) and just having to incorporate this into my daily routine. Yet, I am excited to get started!

You see - although very private & insecure with my looks - I am placing all my cards on the table...I am going to be an open book. Hopefully, by doing this, I'll be able to help some of you out there! My main goal is not to lose weight but to become healthier. So, here we go!

Wednesday - tomorrow, Feb 1st - is my day! I join Stone Tree & start the 90 Day Challenge.

First on the list: grocery shopping to make sure I have all the tools I need, AKA Food! I am going to need support...I know that for a fact. I have a very go-with-the-flow attitude....whatever...ride-the-wave...but, this requires dedication & organization. Eek.....

Am I scared of failure?! OF COURSE!!!! So, if you are thinking of taking the Challenge for your health...follow along, read the blogs, I'll do my best to help. Keep an open mind because everyone is completely different. My advice is to follow what works for you!!!

Change comes in 2012! Bring it On!!! :)


  1. Donna you have my support all the way, go girl go

  2. Hey Donna why don't you try T-Zone with this
    you will be very surprised at the results..

  3. I'm hearing good things about this Body by Vi challenge. I'm excited to hear more about your journey with it.
