Tuesday, May 4, 2010

On my way to work...

...I stopped (not literally, or I would be late) to realize the beauty of nature around me! I love when I can just throw on a sweater and sandals and head into work. The smell of fresh air (not much movement of vehicles when I head into work), and the vivid colors of the trees, grass, flowers at that time of day. It pretty much is quiet...and it makes me appreciate nature that much more.

Then, BAM....the silence is interrupted by squawking. OK...now, I have issues with birds! I like them...but they are starting to really annoying me. Back east, I had a Partridge turn velociraptor on me (protective Mom with her peeps under my deck - I only wanted to tan)...and since moving to Owen Sound...Pigeons. Those damn pigeons. Did you know they lived in my walls at The Ryerson?! Oh, I used to think you were cute. Key words...used to! And, those annoying black birds all over the place...cross-Canada....who think they own the Country!

So, back to the squawking...which I am squawking about: two of these black birds were fighting. I didn't see a worm around, so I assume over the branch they were on. They upset the rest of the birds in the tree...so much so that the Morning Doves (AKA, brown PIGEONS) started their own argument. I thought they were "love" doves. Guess it goes to show, that relationships need argument for survival sometimes. Eventually, they all settled down. Or maybe I used my Mommy-hearing (we learn to block.)

Regardless, I had a beautiful walk into work this morning! I am grateful I can do this - squawks and all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well written Donna! I noticed the same thing walking in the Beach area today. Suddenly, there are magnolias, cherry blossoms and really green trees and red maples. Makes you glad you live in this country, and the birds double the volume of their talking/squawing!
