Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My name is Donna...

...and I'm a Laser Tag addict!

Mind you, I only played it once,...last night....and want to play it again, and again, and again!
WTH is Laser Tag??? Check it out here!

Could it be that I was once a fighter in a past life? I totally love the idea of hitting a target [not a live target w/ an actual bullet...I'm not that psycho]...just love the feeling of reaching a goal. I'm not competitive by nature, but suit me up in a laser tag vest and give me a laser gun and away I go.....OUT OF MY WAY! Best part is...played with my son and some co-workers. My laughing gave me away, at times....damn giggles!
I became psycho-not-scared-of-you Mom when my son was the "Vampire"....I totally took the bull by the horns and went after him like Bruce Willis chasing a bad guy! Bring-It-On seemed to be my Motto. Chuckle! We had so much fun!

What a great way to exercise, mind you! I had NO intention of playing and showed up in my flip-flops/jeans/long-sleeved top....Cripes...I could have been on an episode of What-Not-To-Wear-Playing-Laser-Tag! I totally understand why a tank would be worn! And, luckily we had music playing to disguise the click,click,click of my flip-flops! :) I walked out of the building drenched like I had just given birth...huffing like I needed my Bricanyl [actually, it wasn't that bad]...they say you "forget" after it's done! :o) So, until I can suit up again...50 push-ups...NOW!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Loved the rain...

...from yesterday! Yes, I did!

I was sitting at the table and looking outside. I stopped to really listen...just the sound of the rain coming down on the roof and deck. Brought back many of which, when I was younger [MUCH younger] at the first signs of rain, we'd run indoors to change into bathing suits and use Mother Natures sprinkler and just enjoy!

It is also a time to sit back and relax. I love to read, especially when it is raining outside.

Sometimes...a walk in the rain seems to wash away your troubles, even if temporarily. A cleansing! Luke Bryan has it right: Rain Is A Good Thing!

For now, sunshine is good...I love the sunshine! :o)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sharing is NOT what I want to do...

....when it comes to our workplace bathroom.

First of all...I do not like [I repeat - DO NOT like] to touch public toilet seats! Ewww! And, don't get me wrong: I have 2 boys at home. I am not opposed to having the toilet seat cover left up. Cover...not the seat. When the toilet seat is up [men] it means I have to touch the seat. Bleh!

I am not a germ freak...but something about touching a toilet seat grosses me out! Bad enough the toilet spits water at us....

Is that a yellow drip I see on the seat?! [Ewwww!]

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Three is a good number....

....especially when it involves Me & my Boys!
As a Mom, who is single & working to survive...I may not always show my true least, to my boys. But let me tell you...I am a proud Mama! I love my boys tremendously and proud that they are well-adjusted under the circumstances! They ARE my life!
So...the oldest had a "cattle call"....for a history documentary. They are/were looking for extras. My son is a history buff...yuppers...he knows his stuff. He used to sit in his little baby seat, just a few months old, and watch The History Channel. No kidding! Only thing that would keep him busy! All before his first birthday!
So, this film is going to be about Canadian Soldiers on D-Day. Too cool! And, part of the criteria...being slim! Bonus! CHECK! My son is excited about this and we should find out soon. Fingers & toes crossed...not the eyes, though...might make me sick.
Best part is...the youngest came out to support and we had a chance to sit down and have lunch together - a Mothers dream come true! It was wonderful!
K...gotta run....a Mothers work is never done...Masters of Jazz tonight! [Thankfully, "the friend" will be providing a delicious meal prior! My friends are wonderful!]

Friday, June 11, 2010

One of those days.... what I had yesterday! I can't believe what I did/went through/had happen to get the picture!

First things first: I did have sleep! I know I did...sure I did! But, when I stepped out of the shower to put my contacts in...I grabbed my toner to rinse my contacts. Um, facial toner squirting right into my contact. Then I realized: Wait a minute....this bottle feels waaayyyyy too small. Well, whaddya know?! It is! Damn it!

So, I rinsed x2 with the proper bottle - trying to wake up!

Then, as I am doing my On Air shift, and doing Artist Interviews: Chris from Doc Walker, Brittany Brodie, and Dave & David [don't ask] from The Steel Toe Boots...ok, whats my name again?! I also had to do 4 community interviews. Problem is: I messed up my scheduling, hence, scheduling 3 at the same time....technically 4 with Dave & David. OMG! WTH was I thinking?

Needless to say, by the time I did my production I was ready for home. Was a long day! But,.....OH NO....this is Donna we are talking about here. I also schedule an outing with my gal E. We went to Harrison Park for a walk, and a quick sexy-dress shopping the meantime, the "workout partner" is texting me and timing me. I make it there on my bike (feeling like a stress-filled bomb ready to compress my lungs into dust and my head to burst into flames) a few minutes late...ok a lot late. But, we did the Harrison Park/Graveyard Hill & trails/Millionaire Drive/back home 1 Hour tour. It was awesome. THEN.....I went out with the "co-worker/friend" for a beer and wings. OH, that is another blog in itself....not impressed with the service. Ugh!

So, what I thought would be a normal Thursday WAS absolutely NUTS! I pushed myself to the limits. I proved that I can wear my "Super Woman" t-shirt with pride! :)

Oh, BTW...I forgot my contact solution at my friends house last night...had to sleep with them. Cripes!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On a rainy Wednesday... walks into work are usually my quite times. Time to reflect, remember, prepare for the day and take in all the little beauties of life. My first thought was...crap...damp & cold. Whine/complain: I don't want to walk into work. But, I dressed appropriately and enjoyed my quite walk in. Songs from childhood, like Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head swim through my mind. I chuckle out loud at the fact that I thought of it and walkers-by think I am NUTS, which makes me chuckle inside. I love water...and I love how it makes everything so clean and bright. Maybe rich-looking is a better description.
So, it wasn't that bad after-all. I enjoyed watching the squirrels scamper up the tree, the drops of rain in the puddles, the richness of the colors around me, even the sound of cars driving by. My only annoyance this morning: people in their cars, driving into the after-effects of that action. Actually, it was only one car with an inconsiderate driver. Hey Buddy...if I had wanted a second shower...I would have stayed in an extra few minutes the first time.
Sigh...there's my rant.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When you're feeling down...

...or lonely, I say: find a friend. Someone who can be there for the company, and share something with a movie. My intentions were for a bike ride last night, but lazy and rent a movie. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE movies! And, sometimes, most times, when I do something...I go all out! I rented Alice in Wonderland (which I enjoyed)...took a brief break and texted a friend about biking. [I was serious about getting exercise in!]

"He" did not feel like doing the "bike experience" so I brought up the fact that I had "Dear John" that I wanted to watch. I read the book, and loved it! A friend date had been set! Well....since I was kiboshing the exercise routine, I figure...why not grab some kettle chips [super crunchy ones] and a 2L of Rootbeer! :) Guilty pleasures!

Well, turns out he & his Mom were watching Wolfman...guess it was that kind of day for them, too. Then...we had to make a choice of movie selection. Since I am easy going and love watching movies...I let "the friend" pick out the next movie. #1 That was my first mistake! #2 Never let a man pick up a cheer-me-up movie....chances are......

He threw in the most depressing, fearful movie ever! THE ROAD. Have you seen it? Go rent it! It was about changes to our electricity, food, sun, water...about survival, and losing the ones you love, and cannibalism. [Gag!] It really makes you stop and think: would I have the strength to survive something like this?! And, in the meantime, talk about feeling down and lonely. Thanks, "the friend"...thanks!

But, on a serious note: it was a good movie. I enjoyed it, even though I cried - [this is the "guilt factor" thrown in for good measure] It was a good movie and looked at different personalities. Made me think - cripes - my life isn't that bad! So...seriously, thank you "the friend" for sharing your time and snacks. Turned out to be a great evening after all! [tear rolls down the cheek]

Monday, June 7, 2010

Today 12 years ago...

...I became an Aunt for the very first time! Seriously! And, OMG....I was excited! A beautiful little girl whom I think should be a model! I miss her and wish that I could be around her much more than I am....but, life does that. Sometimes you have to travel away from family to find your place in life. I miss you, little A! You are a doll and I love you all the sky! I can't wait to see you this July!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!!!! xoxo

There are so many...

...different tangents that I can take. I love blogging and don't get to do it as much as what I would like. My life is so crazy, busy filled! For instance...trying to figure out a weekend to Ocean City to visit a friend. Who would have known I would have been like some actress in some movie who needs a personal assistant to make things work? Who would have known?! All I want is a stinkin' weekend free of anything!
And, then...there is this exercise thingy. I have been biking. What happened to weights and running. They got lost in the shuffle. Some exercise is better than none, though.....right?! trip back east. It will be filled with different emotions. So much so, people will think I am BiPolar. (I'm not, btw!)
And, what about my relationship status. Well, I am single but not by choice. Although, I am ok with the fact right now. Just don't tell me my Prince Charming will arrive on a white horse. I don't believe in Prince Charming plus I like black horses better...Taylor Swift can keep the white one. And, while I'm at it...give me a King,...not a Prince! ;)
And, when did my kids turn 19 & 15. WTH?! I am attending my 25th High School Reunion this July. [insert sounds of crickets] That is exactly what happened in Chatsworth this past weekend. I blurted out that I would be celebrating my 25th HS Reunion...and the room became silent. WTH???
So, I guess this is my everything blog...everything that is important to me: my boys, family, travel, friends, health, horses - the black ones, and decent relationships! Have a great day, my friends...I know I will! [Muah]...oh, was that too diva-ish?! ;)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ry and his road trip....

....was off to Stratford yesterday to see The Taming of the Shrew - a comedy by William Shakespeare. I love when schools do this! Such a true learning experience. :)

So, he said the play was different...a bit hard to understand...but, great trip. He got to walk in Stratford and do a bit of shopping. Um, so what did you get Ry? Game stuff. OMG! What a kid! :) His passion at the moment!

Oh Oh...and guess what he brought back for Moi?! wasn't quite this big...but, he did hit a Chocolate Factory and brought a PB cup back the size of my palm! Seriously! I love my Ry all the sky!...but, honey...I am trying to avoid such delicacies to look fabulous for my reunion in 2 months! Thankfully, Ry is who he is...he ate half the cup before I got home...and with any luck, the other half will be gone later today!

Kids, huh?! xo

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2 was yesterday...

...and I surprised myself. It was supposed to be a weights night but - welcome to my life - things did not go as planned. So....trying to keep with the exercise theme ['cause I have a reunion to slim down for lol - yes, you may laugh] I decided to grab my bike and "go forth."

The "guy friend" came along and actually led the way to new bike grounds. I guess he got tired of hearing me say...."I'll never be able to bike to Leith and least, not yet!" guessed it! I biked to Leith and back. WHOLLY SWEAT! Looking at the map, that's about 22 km....on my 6th time out on the bike...I am very proud of myself. Best thing is: I could walk this morning! OK, ok...we had a short stop at Hibou Conservation Area, beautiful shoreline!

Bonus: no blood and maybe just a small bruise! Can't wait for another sunny day [meaning no rain] to head out on the trails again! :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To further add to Murphy's Law...

...I actually did have the chance to head out on the bike trails yesterday. I love biking, and my legs (knees) are starting to accept the new moves. I filled the water bottle, grabbed the bike...threw on the gear [well, actually did that before grabbing the bike...would be awkward] and first thing that happens: I catch the peddle on my ankle. WTH???? Who invented Murphy's Law anyway?! And, did you realize just how involved you would be in my life?! JOKE!

So, as I bleed...I keep a smile on my face and off I go....into the enchanted Harrison Park. Such a beautiful ride! Oh yeah....for those who don't know...I'm allergic to trees....ALL TREES! So, the coughing starts. But, I refuse to let Murphy's Law take over. The smile intact...I continue on my ride. And, it felt great! I really do feel better when I exercise [even if it is slowly killing me].

I get back feeling accomplished when I realize I have a huge bruise on my left palm/wrist. WTH???? And, on one of my right fingers....fingernail. WTH x 2?????

Tonight is weight night. Wonder what kind of damage ML will throw at me this time. Keep it coming ML....I have a fabulous training partner and a :o) on my face! So take that!