Saturday, June 12, 2010

Three is a good number....

....especially when it involves Me & my Boys!
As a Mom, who is single & working to survive...I may not always show my true least, to my boys. But let me tell you...I am a proud Mama! I love my boys tremendously and proud that they are well-adjusted under the circumstances! They ARE my life!
So...the oldest had a "cattle call"....for a history documentary. They are/were looking for extras. My son is a history buff...yuppers...he knows his stuff. He used to sit in his little baby seat, just a few months old, and watch The History Channel. No kidding! Only thing that would keep him busy! All before his first birthday!
So, this film is going to be about Canadian Soldiers on D-Day. Too cool! And, part of the criteria...being slim! Bonus! CHECK! My son is excited about this and we should find out soon. Fingers & toes crossed...not the eyes, though...might make me sick.
Best part is...the youngest came out to support and we had a chance to sit down and have lunch together - a Mothers dream come true! It was wonderful!
K...gotta run....a Mothers work is never done...Masters of Jazz tonight! [Thankfully, "the friend" will be providing a delicious meal prior! My friends are wonderful!]

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