Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2 was yesterday...

...and I surprised myself. It was supposed to be a weights night but - welcome to my life - things did not go as planned. So....trying to keep with the exercise theme ['cause I have a reunion to slim down for lol - yes, you may laugh] I decided to grab my bike and "go forth."

The "guy friend" came along and actually led the way to new bike grounds. I guess he got tired of hearing me say...."I'll never be able to bike to Leith and least, not yet!" guessed it! I biked to Leith and back. WHOLLY SWEAT! Looking at the map, that's about 22 km....on my 6th time out on the bike...I am very proud of myself. Best thing is: I could walk this morning! OK, ok...we had a short stop at Hibou Conservation Area, beautiful shoreline!

Bonus: no blood and maybe just a small bruise! Can't wait for another sunny day [meaning no rain] to head out on the trails again! :)


  1. Good for you girl! Keep it up!

  2. Way to go Annod!!!!

  3. Cheers to you Donna. Give me a shout and I will go with and yes I do have a bike.
