Wednesday, April 7, 2010 hair....

I don't know?!?! I'm feeling kind of British Punk today. Well, my hair is!

No water pressure this morning so I decided to flat iron my hair. Um, yes...grabbed the straightener and started to transform the whacked out curls on my head into ruler straight. Whatever! I can deal with the's healthy, right?!

Besides, I auditioned for a TV Pilot and have another audition coming up soon. I need my natural color and it has to be straight. I can't have the "cute-sy" look. So, every-one-in-a-while I get this look. I was worried that my hair would be too short, but I kind of like the effect.

Funny thing is: the younger population have come up to me and mention that they really like the look. The older crew (like me) don't like it. As we get older, are we resistant to change moreso than what we thought? Not sure about you, but I like having change and the option to do so! Should I thank a Vet? I feel like I should...with a brit accent!


  1. Jenn A says: I think it looks great! Try to go even straighter on the bangs or should I use the Brit term fringes…lol.

  2. its so true what we don't like on ourselves the younger generation or opposite sex does!
