Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend, Part 2...

The weather = Beautiful - CHECK
New red bicycle = Fantastic - CHECK
Time with family = Priceless - CHECK

Did you know I secretly wanted a family of 6 (including parents)???? Even if I adopted...that was a family to me. Ha ha ha! Easter weekend was a joy...the youngest was over, then "the guys'" sons showed up...within minutes, my oldest arrived. What a joy! No,...seriously! I didn't know where to place myself. Everyone just fit in and did as they wanted. See, the guy & I are normally alone. And, to go from 2 to 6. :) Felt family-like. I was in my glory!

As the afternoon moved closer to evening: 6 dropped to 4. Time for our Easter Eve turkey, no ham, sorta. With the beautiful weather, we threw porkchops on the BBQ, cooked perogies & steamed green beans. Mmm! Our meal was non-traditional, our meal was delicious! Our time together: priceless! My Easter Eve Day was fantabulous!

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