Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter,...what a great Easter...

Well, technically it was Easter eve, and such a beautiful warm day! I even got a farmer's tan.

The guy & I went to the Farmer's Market. Always fun running into people you know, and the great produce, etc. Ah, Easter weekend was definitely a taste of summer!

So, had to run into the bike shop with the guy. He "had" a Road Bike. The owner of the shop asked me about bikes I liked, and sizing me. Whoa! I'm thinking, I can't afford this. How presumptuous of him is what I am thinking. the words of Nicki Payne: SURPRISE! The guy traded his Road Bike for mine. [Insert over-flowing love here] He, also bought a bike similar to mine so that we could ride the trails together. My Easter red, my fav color.

I have NOT been on a bike since the 80's. Oh boy! But, as soon as my rear hit the seat, my feet hit the pedals, and wind blowing through my hair...all my teenage memories cycled back into my mind. Ah, so coolio! I'm back precious Mode of Transportation of my youth,...I'm back!

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