Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks "C-W" for.....

...breaking down my defence mechanism...beating it down, more like it! Broadening my horizons?

Facing my fears has always been difficult for me, as I assume for most of us. Weird how a relationship break-up can throw you in a tailspin... one moment you feel like you've been dropped off in the middle of the ocean after a huge meal, with no left jacket...slowly drowning in waves of sorrow. Then, you feel the anger of a Bull that is facing that annoying Matador with his fancy cap, frilly shirt AND tablecloth (ok,...maybe you feel bitter, too.) THEN, you're the prisoner locked in that jail cell, windows, no socialization - just you and lonely solitude. The waves of sorrow, once again, come crashing down. Finally, through the love & kind words of family and friends & even facebookers you have never met...the lifeboat dinghy arrives to, at least keep you afloat.

Now, at this moment in the aftermath, I'm still bobbing the waves in that dinghy. Well, between "that" and "lets do something crazy cause I going to prove to my ex that I am actually somebody." THIS is where facing my fears come in. :o

I have a co-worker AKA C-W....whom to me is also a GREAT friend. He just so happens to be my Comedy Show, IPod, Confidence Booster aka Psychiatrist, Secret Diary, Motivator, Mother (cause he can be down-right honest), Dance Instructor (well, maybe only once), Leaning Post & at times, Partner-in-Crime.
My young C-W can also sing. And, he's probably famous for his Karaoke Parties. Ah, Karaoke. Care-E-Okie. I love Karaoke. I love watching/listening to "other" people do karaoke. Key words here: Other People! Ohhh, don't get me wrong. I would love to be able to sing (always been a dream of mine.) Sooooo, for some reason beyond any intelligent knowledge, the "C-W" felt the need to add Singing Instructor to his list of duties as my friend.

You do know where this is going,...right?!

After a few bevies, a game which involved shots, lots of "DH, what are you singing," "DH, you're next" and basically a threat of: you're not leaving until you sing.......ADDED with my "WTH, I have no more to lose after this break-up" attitude.....I, yes "I" sang karaoke.Mind you, it was down to my "C-W" and one other person, both whom I trust. But, I faced my fears and sang karaoke.
The one thing I swore I would never do - under the influence or not - I did! [she chuckles]

Another check on my list of things I've done in life. I'm still baffled. Karaoke. Watch out U2, Jewel, Sheryl Crow...we just may be hitting the road!

Tour schedule coming soon. ;)


  1. Have you considered sitting down to
    do your version of "The Bucket List"
    Try new past times,Hobbies,reacquaint
    you self with things you previously

  2. Maybe Kathy and I could join you on Karaoke sometimes, might be fun!
    Love you my friend!

  3. I love it! Yes, yes, yes. Woo hoo! You go girl! I have American Idol for play station, it’s good practice and a lot of fun. I’ll go to karaoke with you anytime!

  4. Love it! Good for you to go conquer your fears.
    Take care,
